SlowWave | MoonMuse | Shrink | Quixotic | Jukebox | DreamThemes
A Dream Journal/Guide & Diary
(Software for Win & Mac)

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SlowWave: this week's comic
© 1997 Jesse Reklaw     Last week's SlowWave
SLOW WAVEby Jesse Reklaw (new every Saturday); drawn from dreams people send him-- ``a collective dream diary authored by people from around the world." (Check WhenWavesCollide for SlowWave urls and archives.)

Dreams&CommentsMoonlight Musings: by therapist Timothy Tate. Every Monday a new dream and commentary.

 How Do You Feel? A psybertherapist's instant analysis. (Netscape 3®+, IE®4+)

[Quiz]Quixotic: A multiple-choice test of your Dream Quotient.

[Mess Age]The McLuhan Probes: An imagistic interpretation of McLuhan's ideas and intuitions. The Probes is an electronic magazine, co-produced by The Herbert Marshall McLuhan Foundation and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Michael LeBlanc, editor, translated to the web by DreamWave.

[freud]Sigmund Freud's Shingle: Theories about dreams about dreams of dream theories.

Depress Here
. A moment for melancholia.

THE MUSE: a compendium of art, audio, literature and myth. The latest themes are Boy and Home.

THE DREAMING: 101 dream narratives, with insights and illumination.

DREAMAGES: a primer on recalling dreams, how dreams unfold, and finding gold in the dross.

UNDERWORLD: the Temple dream game/work; and the Theatre labyrinth of DreamWave art, ideas and effects.

JUKEBOX: What's musing without some music. Pick a selection, then go on about your web-business. Sounds will join you shortly.

SEARCH: Find keywords and phrases in the DreamWave site using our new HotBot-powered search engine.

©Dross LLP


Last week's Slow Wave:
SlowWave: last week's comic
© 1997 Jesse Reklaw     This week's SlowWave